This is also due to high traffic or when a login queue exceeds 17,000 players. Players may also experience an "Error 2002" when selecting a character in the selection menu. Creating new characters requires them to be logged in to the World so that they can be added to the database and go through the entire creation process. For the uninitiated, the free trial was suspended back in December following widespread congestion issues in FFXIV. The official FFXIV Twitter account announced the news today. In terms of characters, new ones cannot be created in a World that is experiencing congestion. Update, 2/22/22: After being suspended for more than two months, the free trial for Final Fantasy XIV is back and open to any and all players. Players will be able to log into less-crowded Worlds within the same data center as their homeworld, but during peak suggestion times, players may still experience login queues while using this feature.
#Final fantasy xiv servers full version#
Players who have the full version of the game will be prioritized over the ones playing the free trial version. Even if it isn't counting down, the process is still functioning and it will admit players in order. Alongside reporting live server status, XIVStatus allows for the monitoring. When a World reaches its maximum player cap, then a login queue will appear. XIVStatus is a server status and monitoring tool for Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV).